Free cookie banner check

Is your cookie banner doing the job you think it is doing? Is it doing it in a way that still allows you to get quality analytics and marketing data?

This is the bit the lawyers won't advise you on! So let us check it for you.

What your check will cover:

Compliance with GDPR and PECR

  • Is the banner preventing cookies from being set until consent is given?
  • Are your default settings considered acceptable
  • Are you being transparent about how cookies are being used?

Impact on your analytics and marketing data

  • Does the design encourage consent?
  • Is there a strategy to capture anonymous data when consent isn't given?
  • When users consent, is all the data collected that should be being collected?

Am I eligible?

We offer this service to any organisation:

  • using Google Analytics and Google Ads; or
  • using HubSpot;
Abstract plus art by Petr Strnad