Making the move to Google Analytics 4

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Abstract plus art by Petr Strnad

Here's a reminder of what we're covering

  • What's involved in making the move
  • Why Google’s automated transfer will almost certainly not be enough
  • Why those who say GA4 is not as good are wrong
  • Various ways GA4 can be used
  • How to interpret the new reports
  • How you can readily customise reports so you get the numbers you want.
  • How to answer advanced questions
  • Why it’s a must for Google Advertisers
  • How privacy concerns are being addressed

Who should attend?

  • Those responsible for business growth
  • Those who haven’t yet made the move
  • Those who have made the move but are struggling to get to grips with it



Tim Barlow

Managing Director Attacat

With 20+ years business experience in the digital marketing industry, Tim has spent a large portion of the last 18 months getting to grips with GA4. So he has first-hand experience of the journey you need to go through.