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tagged posts on the Attacat Brain

The connect product screen in Data Manager

Google Ads’ new HubSpot connector: Data Manager

Google recently announced a new product Google Ads Data Manager.  HubSpot was included as a launch partner.  As ...
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What you need to be investing in following Google Marketing Live 2022

What is Google Marketing Live? Once a year Google holds an annual jamboree for marketing professionals and agencies. ...
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How Will Apple’s iOS 14 Release Affect Your Facebook Ads?

How Will Apple’s iOS 14 Release Affect Your Facebook Ads? Scroll down to the bottom of this article ...
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AdWords Experiments: Risk-Free Account Evolution

There are two kinds of people who work in PPC - the strategists and the analysts. Strategists are ...
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Ad Customisers: A Handy Piece of PPC Magic

We’ve all wished, at some point in our lives, that we had magic powers. Although we know magic ...
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Ad Variations: Copy Testing in 60 Seconds

In this blog post we take a look at the new Ad Variations feature from AdWords and explain ...
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Charity begins at Google, generous paid search grants.

Google Grants So you're running a charity and thinking of dipping your toes into a bit of paid ...
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Ad Copy Testing: The Basics

A lot of Digital Marketers are continually talking about split testing, and the importance of it to the ...
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To Bing or Not to Bing?

Do you focus all of your marketing budget on Google AdWords? You would be in the same boat ...
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