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tagged posts on the Attacat Brain

The connect product screen in Data Manager

Google Ads’ new HubSpot connector: Data Manager

Google recently announced a new product Google Ads Data Manager.  HubSpot was included as a launch partner.  As ...
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How to save your old Google Analytics data

A quick, fool-proof approach for mere mortals to get their data out of Universal Analytics (GA3) before Google ...
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Creating Dashboard Filters in HubSpot

When creating multiple reports and dashboards in Hubspot, you might run into the issue where you've used up ...
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Using Hubspot’s Chatflows for Marketing Promotions

Hubspot’s chatflows have traditionally been viewed as a customer service tool for helping answer customer concerns and questions. ...
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Advanced lead nurturing in HubSpot

Advanced Lead Nurturing With HubSpot

If you are an ecommerce company, you don’t want to be targeting a prospective customer with a product ...
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Newsletter – June 2023

What happens next with GA4? Hopefully you're all sorted for the switch from Universal Analytics to GA4 but ...
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A plain English interpretation of GA4 events for lead generation sites

(This is step two in our Eight point checklist for GA4 that we shared in our recent Getting ...
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A plain English interpretation of GA4 events for ecommerce sites

How can you tell if your GA4 set-up is collecting all the information you are going to need ...
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An eight point checklist for GA4

Last week, with time fast running out, ahead of the old Google Analytics sunset, we ran a webinar ...
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